Thursday, March 15, 2012

Virginia's Own Patrice Covington Celebrates, "Black Marriaged Day"

Studies show that while 35% of Americans between age 24 and 34 have never been married, that percentage increases to 54% for African Americans in the same age group. Additionally, married couples head 76% of our American families, while African American married couples head only 47.9% of American families.

While the overall rate for single parent households in America has increased for all children, it is especially alarming among African Americans. Between 1960 and 1995, the number of African American children living with two married parents dropped from 75% to 33%. At this moment, 69% of African American births are to single mothers as compared to 33% nationally.

The statistics above are important so much so, Wedded Bliss Foundation will be preparing for the 10th Anniversary of Black Marriage Day in 2013.  On March 25, 2012 as many as 300 communities and neighborhoods across the country organize events to celebrate marriage in the Black community. I am proud to say one of my sorority sisters, Patrice Covington and her husband will be encouraging that movement on March 24th at The Trinity Life Center.

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