Monday, December 30, 2013

Top Three New Year's Resolutions For Couples

As we approach a new year, we think of areas in our lives that we want to try to improve by making New Year’s resolutions. 
We often make resolutions as individuals but this is also a great time to reassess your relationship and decide where you and your mate could use a little help.
Here is my top three list of New Year's resolutions couples can use that will benefit their relationship.

New Year's Resolution #1: Express Your Love     

Don't wait for a special occasion to say I Love You.  You can't say these words enough to each other.  Say it often and with meaning.                                                                                           
Boost your partner's self esteem by giving them more compliments.  Taking the time to compliment your significant other shows them that you do still love them, you appreciate them, and you still find them attractive.                                                                                                      
The little things count.  Doing something as simple as leaving a love note in your mates coat pocket for them to find it throughout the day would mean the world to them. 

New Year's Resolution #2: Date Night
It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the daily routines of life and neglect spending quality time with your significant other.  
Arrange a night, once a week or once a month that suits your schedules to turn off your phones, spend some time alone and reconnect with each other.  Date nights can be spent going out dancing, dinner and a movie, or staying in for a romantic candle light dinner.  Having a special date night on your schedule can give you and your loved one something to look forward to.

New Year's Resolution #3: Exercise Together
A popular New Year’s resolution that many people make each year is to exercise more. Find an activity that you and your mate both enjoy or try something new.   Exercising together as a couple can be fun.   You can also motivate each other to create healthy lifestyle goals and stick to them.   
Along with these three New Year's resolutions, there are many other resolutions that you and your partner can come up with to make the upcoming year much sweeter.  
Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year! 

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